Author: M / K / B

  • When I first heard the term deva avatar

    Have you ever been told something you didn’t feel to be particularly significant at the time only to discover many years later just how profound that message was? Well, this is that story. The story of how a twenty-something woman, who had no idea what was going on, was given an important message about angels.…

  • How Do I Know If I Am An Avatar?

    How Do I Know If I Am An Avatar?

    Well, I’m not sure any of the current characteristic identifiers for being an avatar or a human angel are very helpful. In fact, I think the idea of a single set of markers is rather unhelpful. If you are, then you are. If you are not, then you are not. How do you identify anything…

  • What Is A Human Angel?

    What Is A Human Angel?

    I don’t know for sure. That is, I can’t give you a universal answer; the type of absolute truth that provides a point of certainty from which to argue against all others. What I can do is write about what happens when I ask the question and leave a space. What I can give you…

  • What Is A Deva Avatar?

    What Is A Deva Avatar?

    A Deva Avatar is a… According to one story, a deva avatar comes in when the earth needs a little push over a hump into a new phase or era. Generally, it’s something they cannot do by themselves. When humans need a bit of oomph to switch over to a new system, a deva avatar…

  • What Does Deva Mean?

    What Does Deva Mean?

    Deva is a term, again, found in Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity. In ‘Buddhism and Medicine’ by C. Pierce Salguero, deva is said to be “one of the eight groups of spiritual beings existing in the pure realms that are free from those desires that ultimately lead to dissatisfaction and misery [but are destined,] when the…

  • What Is An Avatar?

    What Is An Avatar?

    Let’s start with what Avatar means According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, ‘avatar’ is the name given to “a descent of a Hindu deity to earth in an incarnate or tangible form,” from Sanskrit avatarana “descent” (of a deity to earth in incarnate form), from ava- “off, down” (from PIE root *au- (2) “off. away”…